Patagonia Backpacks & Bags: Outdoor Gear
Our Patagonia Bags and Backpacks Collection is designed for adventurers who need robust and practical gear. Built with weather-resistant materials, these bags and backpacks keep your belongings secure and organised through any condition. Whether you need the versatile storage of the Black Hole Duffel or the adaptable design of the Roll-Top bag, our collection offers ample capacity and rugged construction that supports your every journey.
For optimal comfort and functionality, consider the Black Hole, Refugio, or Atom Sling backpacks, each featuring ergonomic designs that support long days on foot. We also offer tote bags, crossbody bags, spacious holdalls, and compact washbags that cater to your everyday needs. Every piece in our Patagonia Bags and Backpacks Collection is chosen for its durability and thoughtful design, ensuring you have high-performance gear that stands up to your active lifestyle. Discover our collection and find the perfect companion for your next adventure.