Fjallraven: Outdoor Gear & Apparel

Our Fjällräven clothing collection features jackets, coats, shirts, and trousers, built for durability and outdoor performance. Designed with hard-wearing G-1000 fabric, these pieces offer wind and water resistance while remaining breathable. Whether layering up for outdoor pursuits or looking for reliable everyday wear, Fjällräven’s functional designs ensure comfort in any environment.

To stay prepared in changing conditions, Our collection also includes caps, hats, gloves, and scarves, crafted for warmth and practicality. Fjällräven backpacks and bags, available in various sizes, provide dependable storage for both daily use and outdoor adventures. Known for their sustainable materials and innovative designs, these bags balance durability with practical features. Built to withstand the elements, Fjällräven’s outdoor gear is designed for travel, work, and exploration.

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